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Welcome to the

2020 Alabama Brownfields Conference

Presented by the Alabama Brownfields Association in partnership with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management

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Session 1: 9am - 9:45am CST

Alex Flachsbart, Opportunity Alabama

A Conversation on Opportunity Zones & Brownfields

Alex Flachsbart with Opportunity Alabama will provide an update on Opportunity Zone development in Alabama and provide insight on how Opportunity Zone funding can be stacked with brownfield funding to maximize the potential for successful redevelopment projects.

Presenting Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
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Session 2: 10:30am - 11:30am CST

Renea Hall, USEPA
John Hollar, Geosyntec
Charlie Denton, Barnes & Thornburg

PFAS Issues Related to Brownfield Redevelopment

PFAS issues are at the forefront of increasing regulatory oversight and action from the USEPA and many if not all of the states. With regard to brownfield redevelopment, it’s not a matter of if, but when, a PFAS issue may arise in connection with a transaction or brownfield redevelopment project.

Session 3: 1:30pm - 2:30pm CST

Buddy Cox, Bradley

State Liability Protections - Real or Illusory?

In a recent decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the 3d Circuit, the Court examined the impact of a settlement or a resolution of a claim by a state upon claims for contribution by other PRPs and claims by the United States EPA under Superfund. This presentation will provide an overview of that decision, a general discussion of Superfund liability and the Alabama Brownfield law, and some strategies to ensure that the liability protection provided by the Alabama Brownfields law acts is an effective liability shield.

Presenting Sponsor
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Presenting Sponsor

Session 4: 3pm - 4pm CT

Daryl Hernandez, EnSafe

Beyond the Single-Grant Approach: A Case Study for Building A Robust and Resilient Brownfield Program

Daryl Hernandez will present an EPA-recognized brownfield case study, Paradise Creek Affordable Housing Development located in National City, California. This brownfields redevelopment project was based on a strategic and holistic approach to maximizing brownfield resources for public and private stakeholders. Daryl will present the strategy used to address the challenges associated with revitalizing a community disproportionately impacted by environmental justice issues, blighted properties, incompatible land uses, and brownfields.

Patron Sponsors

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We hope you enjoyed this year's program.

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